Cast Images Talent Agency


Happy Everything from Cast Images!

A big thank you to all of our wonderful talent and clients. Without you, we'd be nothing!
Wishing you a fabulous holiday and a 2010 full of everything you wish for.

And, just to show you that we're multitalented here at Cast Images...


3rd Saturday Events 12.19.09

Join Cast Images models Lyndsie, Bianca, Emma, Alexis, and Ashley at the Sacramento News & Reviews' 3rd Saturday event. Informal modeling with holiday looks from Krazy Mary's 1-3 pm, Kings Dancers 2-3 pm. Westfield Downtown Plaza. Will be FUN!

Kelsey Edwards Holiday Flyer

Happy Holidays!

This season brings Kelsey Edwards up to the breathtaking Sacramento Valley! She will be shooting Tuesday - December 22, 2009 at one of her home away from homes, Photosource. During the holidays family's are brought together and Kelsey wants to celebrate that with you. Along with your headshots, Kelsey will include a family portrait shot. Don't need more headshots this soon but the family is all together and full of good cheer?...and willing to cooperate? Kelsey also does family portrait sessions for a special price or just for the holidays mix and match between headshots, print looks, or family shots -3 looks of your choice for only $355 (including make-up)!

Please give Maia a call at 323-936-6106 to answer any questions you might have or to schedule a time with Kelsey!

Kelsey Edwards Photography
Catchlight Studio
633 N La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036


Cast Models | Krazy Mary's

Models Linda SaeturnQuana ArnoldEllen HancockAmber Sims, and Sharena Knoke walk for Krazy Mary's. The Park 12.10.09



Cast Mixer | Krazy Mary's

Come out to The Park tonight (12.10) for the Cast Images Holiday Mixer (VIP section at 9:00.) Fashion show with new looks from Krazy Mary's at 10:00 pm.
Cast Images' Models: Linda Saeturn, Amber Sims, Quana Arnold, Sharena Knoke, Ellen Hancock.


Mix Fashion Show 12.3.09

MIX fashion show 12.3.09. Cast Images. Nordstrom. Mosaic.
Join us next week at The Park: Cast Images Holiday Mixer. Krazy Mary's fashion show.


Cast Images Holiday Mixer

All Cast Images Talent & Clients (21 and over)

Please join us for our holiday mixer!
First 50 RSVPs receive complimentary admission...e us at

Thursday 12.10.09
9:00 pm - ?
Mix and Mingle • No-host bar
Fashion show at 10:00 featuring Cast Images models, fashions by Krazy Mary’s
Followed by America's Favorite House DJ Bad Boy Bill

See you there!

Chandra, Jessica, Serena, Reggie, Carmela & Pam