Cast Images Talent Agency
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Happy Holidays & Thank You!

First, a big thank you to our talent, clients and friends for making 2014 such a wonderful year at Cast Images.

Secondly, we're thrilled to be able to have finished up our annual 5% of earnings donations benefitting Freedom from Hunger, the Sacramento SPCA, BadRap, and the Crocker Art Museum, also because of you.

And, finally, all of us at Cast Images wish you a wonderful holiday and a Very Happy New Year.

See you on Jan 5th! Christmas Card


Be Scouted! | Cast Images Model Search & Sac Fashion Week Audition

Do you want to be a fashion model?
Would you like a chance to meet Cast Images Model Agent Amber Collins?
Would you like to audition for Sacramento Fashion Week?

Here's your chance!

Cast Images Model Search & Sac Fashion Week Casting

When: Sat Jan 10, 2015          11 am - 2 pm
            Sun Jan 11, 2015         12 pm - 2 pm

Where: The Find
             817 16th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Who: Women 16-25, 5'8" to 5'11"
           Men 16-30, 5'11" to 6'2"

This will be a big audition, so please do be prepared by reading all of the tips below. This is your chance to make a professional first impression, so be sure to take time to show yourself at your best by following all the instructions. No experience necessary!

Fitted clothes (skinny jeans, tank, V or scoop neck T)
Shoes that you can walk in. Women need pumps or thin heeled shoes. No platforms or chunky heels. Be sure they are comfortable!


  • Be on time
  • Be kind to everyone
  • Be patient
  • Be confident
  • Be neatly and fashionably groomed, with light, natural (but polished) makeup. Hair can be up or down, but be sure we can see your face. Keep hair natural, but neat and groomed. Bring a hair band to pull it back if asked.
Cast Images Models


Your portfolio, if you have one

Comp card, if you have one

Two clear, simple digital images of yourself: one headshot, one full length in fitted clothes. Take the photos with a plain background in natural light and print them out to bring to the casting. For more tips on taking digitals, please visit this page and scroll down to "photo tips."

Photos and comp cards need to have the following information printed on them:
  • Height
  • Bra size
  • Waist measurement (& inseam for Men)
  • Hip measurement (largest part of your hips)
  • Dress size (Women); Jacket & shirt size (Men)
  • Shoe size
  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Contact information (agent name and phone number or your phone and email)
Makeup bag for touchups

Something to keep you entertained while you are waiting

What to expect:

There will be waiting, so be light hearted about it!
You'll be asked for your book and comp card
You'll be asked to walk
You may have a photo or video taken of you
Be prepared to answer any questions about yourself

What happens after the event?

If Cast Images is interested in meeting with you for an agency audition, we'll reach out and set up a time for you (and your parents if you are under 18) to come to the office.

If you are chosen to walk for Sac Fashion Week, they will be in touch with your next steps.

What if I cannot make it to the model search or do not fit the guidelines above?

You can always submit to Cast Images via our online submission page. We also have an open call for fashion models every Thursday (except holidays).

We can't wait to meet you!

Please do share this event on social media...we want to see lots of new faces!

#castimagesmodelsearch   #sacfw    #bescouted


Olga & Lexy by Zoe Lonergan

Olga Jidkov and Lexy Brozdounoff by Zoe Lonergan.

Simple Tips for Choosing Your Audition Monologue

On-Camera Agent | Jessica Mitchell

Every working actor knows (or should know!) the importance of having a great monologue under your belt. Having a tried and true, appropriate to your type, knock-their-socks-off monologue is one of the best tools in any actor’s arsenal.

That being said, it is the mark of a smart actor to have several options of monologues that fit your audition setting. After seeing many, many new talent auditions here at Cast Images, I’ve realized we may need to shed a bit of light on the appropriate types of monologues for an agent audition in the Northern California market.

Here are a couple of items to check off when selecting a monologue for an agent audition:

- 2-3 minutes long
- clear storyline (look for a beginning, middle, and end)
- PLEASE be completely off-book…pick something you know you can memorize and are comfortable performing even when you’re nervous.

Here are some quick and easy things to AVOID when choosing your monologue:

- Classical text (Shakespeare, Old English, period pieces, etc.)
- Accents
- Graphic themes/language
- Experimental, non-linear pieces

And now, please pay attention, because this is advice I hope every talent submitting to Cast Images takes note of…intensely dramatic monologues are very rarely the best fit in this setting.

Now you may be wondering – what if a dramatic monologue is my very best piece? That’s great – we love to see that skill set. However, it is very easy to overdo dramatic pieces in such an intimate setting - a bout of overwrought shouting in your monologue is more awkward than it is impactful. My best advice is to tread lightly when choosing that type of material…and to imagine how you will deliver your monologue when you are performing a mere three feet away from your audience.

It is also super important to cater to your type…your monologue (as well as your imagery, resume, and all other materials) should always accentuate the most cast-able version of you! If you’re a kindly older grandfather type, a super edgy monologue from an HBO show is not going to be your best bet. 

I know you actors are already worrying about typecasting as you read this – but I can guarantee that playing to your type is the basis of doing well in this commercial driven market. Talent who can pinpoint their most appropriate and commercial friendly type are those who book frequently…so your initial monologue with us is the first test of that personal know-how.

Basically (for all of you who just skimmed to the bottom), I want you to pick a piece that will showcase the very best of your skill and potential as an actor. I truly hope that every talent who steps into our office will knock my socks off with their audition – and hopefully these tiny bits of advice will help you succeed in that endeavor!


What Does a Mother Agent Do?

Mother Agenting and developing models is so much more than signing a contract. It takes time, focus, dialog, planning and many, many digitals to ready models for international careers.

It's an ongoing process, and one that we love.

Cast Images New Faces